Saturday, 7 July 2012

There's probably no better place to start blogging than Cevinia, Italy. Apart from the imposing mass of the Matterhorn, snow peaked mountains, fearfully thin air that makes you feel even more unfit that you probably are - there is the fact that you are miles from anywhere else, on holiday and with plenty of time to do something new. Well new to me anyway, but generally old hat.

For years there have been three unrequited reasons to start a blog.

Firstly to share experiences on culinary disasters/triumphs that masquerade as holiday breakfasts or other 'service' experiences.
Secondly the ability to engage in political comment that no-one else may take much notice of - but I love as a frustrated liberal, or was that Liberal ,
Finally to comment on those matters of international logistics that crease my professional brow.

But all this is fairly incoherent  and self indulgent, so I'm going to focus on political comment from a political nobody in the hope of finding a few people who share my outlook - with the odd footnote or complete aside on those culinary or service experiences that seem too extreme or surreal to keep private.

So this blog marks the start of 'Project British Spring' - the development of a series of political ideals in response to a deep dissatisfaction with British politics as a process in creating a better society. A reaction to a lack of vision and leadership, a desire to fill a vacuum when it comes to a sense of national direction or even identity. This will be expressed not in terms of some backward looking, traditionalist, post imperial views, but rather as a realistic but liberal response to a global environment short on encouraging individuals to serve their community before themselves as a logical expression of self interest.

So the next blog will look at the five major political challenges facing Britain today - lets start by thinking big.

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